What is FTP?
It is a protocol that allows a person to upload and download files to a server, without having to use a web browser. Instead, special piece of software is used, called an "FTP Client". Many third-party software packages exist for doing FTP, with various degrees of ease of use, and advanced features.
Do I have to use FTP?
No, you do not. FTP is typically only used by more tech-savy webmasters. You can always upload and download your files using your cPanel from any web browser. To do this:
Step 1) Open a web browser, then log into your cPanel account
Step 2) Click on the icon labeled "File Manager". (It is usually located in the "Files" area of your cPanel)
Step 3) Click the large square "Upload" button. Then browse to the file you wish to upload.
Which FTP client do you recommend for your servers?
We recommend using the free, open source program called "FileZilla." You can get it by visiting the website http://filezilla-project.org and then clicking the large button "Download FileZilla Client"
Many other standard FTP clients will likely work, however we do not provide documentation for other FTP clients.
How do I connect FileZilla to my account on the MyHostControl server?
In the main window, you can use the "quick connect" area to to connect. Use the following information:
FTP host name (If DNS records are in place) : mydomain.org
FTP host name (If DNS records are NOT in place): mydomain-org.myhostcontrol.com
FTP user name: myaccountusername+mydomain.org
(Your user name is typically the name of your town)
FTP password: Your cPanel password
FTP port: The standard port number for FTP, which is 21
Note: FileZilla has a feature called "Sites" that can be used to save FTP connection details for frequently used servers. This is a great time saver. Make sure you can connect at least once successfully before saving a "site" in FileZilla.
How do I create additional FTP accounts/users?
Step 1) Using a web browser, login to your new cPanel account
Step 2) Click the icon labeled "FTP Accounts". (It is usually located in the "Files" area of your cPanel)
Step 3) Fill in the desired FTP user name, FTP password, and other settings.
Step 4) Click the button "Create FTP Account"